Family Greensomes

Family Greensomes

Find everything you need to run a successful Family Greensomes event right here. Start the online courses and discover the supporting resources…

Start your Family Greensomes Training

Click the window’s below to enter your online training course. Come and go as you please, your progress will be saved each time you leave so you don’t have to complete it all in one go!

Step by Step Guides

Download the step by step guides below for each step of implementing your program. Complete each task and find links to supporting resources…

Marketing Creation

Marketing Distribution

Communication Week

Event Week

Post Event

Check off the most important marketing creation steps in your implementation stage…
Check off the most important marketing creation steps in your implementation stage…
Check off the most important marketing creation steps in your implementation stage…
Check off the most important marketing creation steps in your implementation stage…
Check off the most important marketing creation steps in your implementation stage…

Marketing Resources

Review all the marketing material and content below. Here you will find everything you need in order to successfully promote your Social Play event…

Social Play Events General Flyer

Family Greensomes Event Example Flyer

Communication Resources

Get started with template communication resources to help communicate effectively with your Social Play event students…

Targeted Communication Template

Sign Up Template

JGA Parent Overview

Junior Safeguarding Pack

Post Event Communication Template

Further Resources

Access the further resources you need to implement and run the Halloween Scramble Event by clicking on the options below…

Discover the Junior Playing Event resources to help deliver your Family Greensomes event…