

Find everything you need to run deliver a successful Golf Assessment right here. Start the online course and access all of the resources you need to run a successful event…

Start your Assessment Training

Click the window below to enter your online training course. Come and go as you please, your progress will be saved each time you leave so you don’t have to complete it all in one go!

View Example Assessment

Watch Director of Coaching Andrew Simmonds deliver an Assessment session below…

Scheduling Resources

Get started with scheduling the different elements of your Assessment with the support videos below built from the GLF. Connect Support Team!

Customizing your Email Templates

Assessment Filter Private View Setting

Activating your Assessment Duration

Setting your Assessment Price

Marketing Resources

Review all the marketing material example templates below. Here you will find everything you need in order to successfully promote your Assessments…

General Assessment Flyer Example

Coach Assessment Flyer Example

Coach Profile Poster Example

Communication Resources

Get started with template communication resources to help communicate effectively with your Assessment students…

Pre-Assessment Communication Template

Post Assessment Communication Template

Success Story Request Template